モフィード美容液シャンプー 400ml【Mofid Beauty Essence Shampoo】 9,050円/yen |
This shampoo restores your hair to its natural condition. Mofid Shampoo might not make enough foam for the first use because of the long-term air pollution as well as hair products you may have used in the past. Since the shampoo is made only of vegetables, fruits, and plants, it may take time to adjust its foaminess and for the significant effects. Please be patient and use the 'whipping net' (a free accessory for the first purchase per year) for the best application.
添付チラシPDF(日本語版) 添付チラシPDF(英語版) |
9,050円 |
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モフィード美容液シャンプー 旅行用【Mofid Beauty Essence Shampoo (small)】 1,233円/yen |
The travel size Mofid Beauty Essence Shampoo offers you a convenient way to check the scent/ texture and general quality of the product.
添付チラシPDF(日本語版) 添付チラシPDF(英語版) |
1,233円 |
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モフィードナチュラルダマスクローズソープ【Mofid Natural Damask Rose Soap】 2,808円/yen |
As with the Mofid Beauty Essence Shampoo, this is the first soap in the world to receive the Halal Certification. The soap contains new natural ingredients of bentonite and heracleum, and its base water is the finest Damask rose water, which is extracted by the traditional steam distillation method.
2,808円 |
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モフィードナチュラルスキンローション【Mofid Natural Skin Lotion】 5,832円/yen |
This Mofid Natural Skin Lotion is made of more than 95% of the finest Damask rose water, which is extracted by the traditional steam distillation method. Adding to the Damask rose water, more than 12 kinds of the plant-based nutrition is contained to complete this effective product. Plant sprouts were grown from Mofid Natural Skin Lotion as were in the Mofid Beauty Essence Shampoo.
5,832円 |
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コーヒークルミケーキ 約11cm×7cm×5cm【Coffee Walnut Cake】 1,730円/yen |
The two flavors of bitter coffee and crunchy walnuts form a perfect combination in this sweet cake. One push of Rose water (see below for purchase) will add the luxury to your plate.
※ フラワーウォーター単品進呈中(なくなり次第終了)! ※ Flower water attached (a present limited)!
1,730円 |
セット |
みかんケーキ 約11cm×7cm×5cm【Japanese Mandarin Cake】 1,300円/yen |
国産みかんの果汁と手作りピール(果皮の砂糖漬け)をふんだんに使用した、甘苦い爽やかさ。 「ネロリ水」(別売)の一吹きで、より華やかな一品を演出します。
This cake is made of luscious mandarin juice and sweetened peels produced in Japan. Neroli water (see below for purchase) adds a fragrant sweetness to make this cake the perfect dessert.
※ フラワーウォーター単品進呈中(なくなり次第終了)! ※ Flower water attached (a present limited)!
1,300円 |
セット |
レモンケーキ 約11cm×7cm×5cm【Lemon Cake】 1,380円/yen |
This simple lemon cake is a mixture of the sweet and sour that will certainly stimulate your senses. We strongly recommend adding one push of Neroli water for adding elegance to your coffee and tea time.
1,380円 |
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ガナッシュ入り薔薇のガトーショコラ 約11cm×7cm×5cm【Chocolate Rose Cake (decorated by organic Damask rose jam and buds)】 1,800円/yen オーガニック薔薇ジャムと、食べられる薔薇の蕾(ローズティー用)でデコレート |
The best and the most tasteful combination of chocolate ganache inside the cake with organic rose jam and a Japanese organic laurel leaf on the top (the picture here is with the ‘real’ Damask rose leaves). Organic rose buds from Iran are attached for your favor to decolate on the cake, drink as a cup of rose tea, and/ or just to keep for pot-pourri. One dash of Rose water adds more relaxing moment for your daily life and releases your stress to cheer your smiles. |
1,800円 |
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イラン産 農薬不使用のワイルド・ダマスクローズジャム【Persian Organic Wild Damask Rose Jam】 1瓶/bottle 150g 1,500円/yen |
一瓶に、薔薇50輪分の花びらと、「希少糖」 35g使用。 50 Damask roses, 35g of ‘rare sugar’are used in a bottle.
当社のバラジャムは糖分全て希少糖(レアシュガー:D-プシコース・D-アロースなど)を使用し、日本で初めてハラール基準をクリアーした、世界で他に例を見ない、究極のジャムです。バラの香りは優雅な気分にさせるだけでなく脳をストレスから解放し、活性化させる働きも期待できます。また、女性ホルモンの1つであるエストロゲンの分泌を促す作用があるため、更年期障害の軽減や異性を引き付ける作用、さらに消化器官の活性化、加齢臭や口臭を抑える効果もあることが報告されています。 当社が使用しているダマスクローズは、イランのオアシス都市カシャーンで、化学肥料や農薬を使わず食品基準で栽培されたものです。夜明け前にひとつひとつ手摘みしたバラは半分を天日干しし、残りはその日のうちに伝統的な水蒸気蒸留法によりバラ水を抽出します。このジャムは、天日干しした花びらと馥郁たる香りのバラ水をふんだんに使用した、贅沢な一品です。しかも、今話題の希少糖により血糖値の上昇や内臓脂肪の蓄積を抑えられる、身体に大変優しいジャム・・ダイエット対策にもお勧めです。
Our unique organic Damask rose jam is made with ‘rare sugar’ (D-psicose, D-allose, etc) and the first Halal certified in Japan. The rose scent not only makes you feel elegant but also release you from stress and energize your brain. By stimulating the secretion of Estrogen, as female-hormone effect, it lightens symptoms of menopausal disorders, attracts opposite sex, activates digestive organs, and mitigates offensive odors. Damask roses we use are cultivated in Iranian oasis city Kashan, on the food sanitation standards without using chemical fertilizer or agricultural chemicals. The roses handpicked before dawn are dried by sunshine (the half of the total amount) and the rest are extracted for the rose water and oil by the traditional steam distillation method within the same day. This jam is luxuriously made of these sunshine-dried rose petals and fragrant rose water enough inside. Moreover, the today’s topical ‘rare sugar’ suppresses the rise of blood sugar levels and the accumulation of internal fats in organs. Such a healthy jam for you and very recommended for your diet strategies. |
1,500円 |
瓶 |
農薬不使用の薔薇緑茶 85g (証明書付)【Organic Rose Green Tea (officially certified)】1,800円/yen |
日本産有機の上質緑茶と、イラン産農薬不使用・天日干しのダマスクローズの蕾をそれぞれ小袋に入れてお届けします。到着後、バラ茶を緑茶小袋、または瓶や缶に合わせ入れて蓋をし、振り合わせて保存して下さい。 至福の香りで、穏やかな寛ぎのひと時を・・・美を楽しむことは、心を耕します。
Both a can of superior Japanese organic green tea and a bag of the organic Iranian rose buds will be sent to you in this package. Mix them all up together (rose buds into the can of green tea) for flavorful tea and refined taste that will make your tea time an occasion to remember.
Please cover your pot with a pot warmer or a cloth and steam a few rose buds together with the green tea in the boiled water for about 3 minutes to fully extract the scent and nutrition.
詳細説明と使い方 |
1,800円 |
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農薬不使用の薔薇紅茶 65g (証明書付)【Organic Rose Black Tea (officially certified)】 1,800円/yen |
静岡・丸子産の上質紅茶(べにふうき)と、イラン産農薬不使用・天日干しのダマスクローズをそれぞれ缶と小袋に入れてお届けします。到着後、バラ茶を紅茶缶に入れて蓋をし、振り合わせて保存して下さい。至福の香りで、美しい寛ぎのひとときを・・・優雅な色香をお楽しみ下さい。 A canned Japanese black tea from Mariko Town, Shizuoka, and a bag of organic Iranian rose buds will be sent to you. Upon arrival, mix the rose buds into the black tea for an elegant fragrance and color. Please keep the rose black tea in the can to preserve its condition and natural flavors.
Please cover your pot with a pot warmer, or even just a cloth to steam the 2 or 3 rose buds in the boiled hot water to extract their scents and nutrition well. More than 3 minutes to wait before drinking for steaming.
詳細説明と使い方 |
1,800円 |
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農薬不使用の薔薇茶 25g (証明書付)【Organic Pure Rose Tea (officially certified)】1,500円/yen |
Let the fragrance of these pure, natural organic Iranian rose buds, picked in the early mornings and dried by the sun, induce you into a deep state of relaxation. Roses are said to enhance beauty and health as well provide anti-aging benefits and 'as female hormone' effects. Also known as a 'natural preservative' for their antibacterial and sterilization powers, we offer Damask roses of the finest quality with more than 3,000-year-history.
Allow more than 3 minutes for steaming (cover your cup with a lid or saucer for efficient steaming) to extract the nutrition as well as the color fully before drinking. 詳細説明と使い方 |
1,500円 |
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ダマスクローズの薔薇水 と ネロリ:ビターオレンジ水 のセット(証明書付) 各20ml/ each【Organic Rose and Neroli: Bitter Orange Water (both officially certified)】 4,000円/yen |
ケーキにも合わせられる二種の香りの天然水を、それぞれ一本ずつのセットにしました。 実はこのお水、化粧水にもなるのです。洗顔後やひげそり後に、また、疲れた時にお顔や身体にシュッとひと吹き。完全天然の化粧水であり、香水なのです。 お料理やお菓子作りの仕上げ時香付けにもご活用を。
Rose water and Neroli water offered together as a set in one box. This flower water is drinkable straight and can be used as skin lotion after washing and shaving your face. Just one push of the bottle and the luxurious fragrances will give you release from daily stress. Pure and natural, make the most of the power of these waters by adding them into your everyday life, including cooking, sweets, or any variety of dishes and drinks.
詳細説明と使い方 |
4,000円 |
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保存ガラス瓶【Glass Bottles for Preservations】 1瓶/bottle 250円/yen お茶・ドライフルーツ類の保存に最適・・・あるいは ビーズ等、何でも保存可能です。 |
Microwave-safe glass bottles which is convenient for storage of dried fruits, tea, coffee, or any number of items. (Please remove lid before use in microwave oven.) |
250円 |
瓶 |
イラン産 無農薬のザクロ ストレートジュース 【Persian Pomegranate Juice】 500ml 1,500円/yen |
A natural nutritious drink made from Iranian organic pomegranates. Its vital, natural scents and color will enhance your everyday health and beauty maintenance. 弊社で販売のザクロジュースは、農薬不使用・有機(オーガニック)で栽培された200種類を超えるイランのザクロの中でも、優良品である3種類のロバーブ、ベッジュストン、シャハニを選んでブレンドしたものです。栽培地はイランのシラーズ、フェルドゥス、サベ郊外です。そこで育ったザクロはビタミンやミネラルが豊富でエストロゲン(女性ホルモン効果)が多いと言われています。まずは、色と香りの質の高さと濃度に驚かれることでしょう。最高品質のものを、お求めやすい価格でご提供しておりますので、是非、お試し下さい。500CC中に約5個分のザクロを種ごと圧縮したザクロジュース、1日分100CCが約1個分のザクロに相当します。
Our organic pomegranate juice is a blend of the three best varieties: Robab, Bijistan, and Shahani. Cultivated in Shiraz, Ferdus, and Saveh, these city areas are said to produce fruits loaded with vitamins, minerals, and as-female-hormone estrogen. Dense, deeply fragrant, and ruby red in color, we offer you the highest quality at a reasonable price. Five pomegranates and their seeds are pressed for making 500CC (equals to 1 bottle) of this juice, a 100 CC-glass per day gives your body the nutrition of an entire pomegranate. |
イラン産 無農薬のザクロ ストレートジュース 【Persian Pomegranate Juice】 6本/ 500ml ×6 bottles:8,000円/yen |
セット価格でご提供/ Offering by the discounted set price.
A natural nutritious drink made from Iranian organic pomegranates. Its vital, natural scents and color will enhance your everyday health and beauty maintenance. 弊社で販売のザクロジュースは、農薬不使用・有機(オーガニック)で栽培された200種類を超えるイランのザクロの中でも、優良品である3種類のロバーブ、ベッジュストン、シャハニを選んでブレンドしたものです。栽培地はイランのシラーズ、フェルドゥス、サベ郊外です。そこで育ったザクロはビタミンやミネラルが豊富でエストロゲン(女性ホルモン効果)が多いと言われています。まずは、色と香りの質の高さと濃度に驚かれることでしょう。最高品質のものを、お求めやすい価格でご提供しておりますので、是非、お試し下さい。500CC中に約5個分のザクロを種ごと圧縮したザクロジュース、1日分100CCが約1個分のザクロに相当します。
Our organic pomegranate juice is a blend of the three best varieties: Robab, Bijistan, and Shahani. Cultivated in Shiraz, Ferdus, and Saveh, these city areas are said to produce fruits loaded with vitamins, minerals, and as-female-hormone estrogen. Dense, deeply fragrant, and ruby red in color, we offer you the highest quality at a reasonable price. Five pomegranates and their seeds are pressed for making 500CC (equals to 1 bottle) of this juice, a 100 CC-glass per day gives your body the nutrition of an entire pomegranate. |
8,000円 |
セット |
農薬不使用・天日干し乾燥ホワイトマルベリー【Sunshine-dried Organic White Mulberry】 1袋/bag 80g 550円/yen |
イラン産の乾燥ホワイトマルベリーは天日で乾燥させています。ホワイトマルベリーにはカルシウムやリン、カリウムなどのミネラルやビタミン類、特にビタミンAが多く含まれています。ビタミンAは、牛乳(110 IU)の3倍、トマト(220)の1.5倍ネギピーマン(160)の約2.5倍バナナ(15)の約19倍です。食物繊維も多いので、便秘に効果があります。乾燥ホワイトマルベリーは気管支や腎臓、肺にも良いといわれ、イランでは風邪の時に用いられております。また、血糖値を安定させる天然インシュリン効果を期待出来るため、糖尿病患者の砂糖代替品として広く使われております。
This sunlight-dried white mulberry from Iran is rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as vitamins, especially vitamin A. This vitamin A content is 3 times that of milk, 1.5 times that of tomatoes, 2.5 times that of leeks and peppers, and 19 times that of bananas. The rich fruit fibers can help to solve constipation. Dried white mulberries are known to strengthen bronchi, kidneys, and lungs, and are eaten as a means to recover from colds. Their strong sweetness enables the mulberries to serve as a sugar substitute for diabetics and to stabilize blood sugar levels. |
550円 |
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農薬不使用・岩塩チックピィ(ヒヨコ豆)【Organic Rock Salted Chickpeas】 1袋/bag 110g 550円/yen |
These chickpeas contain 7 kinds of essential amino acids. Small in shape, this wild variety of chickpea is roasted with a bit of natural rock salt for the best balance of taste. Cultivated in Persia for more than 7,500 years, 20% of the chickpea’s whole nutrition is vegetable protein. Sunlight-dried and containing no chemicals, preservatives, or oil-coating, you can enjoy these chickpeas and your healthy lifestyle without any worries. |
550円 |
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農薬不使用・イラン産ピスタチオ(アーマドアガイ種)【Organic Iranian Pistachio Nuts】1袋/bag 80g 550円/yen |
Grown in fertile and mineral-rich lands, our pistachio nuts are made in the oasis Rafzanjan city area with our thorough supervision through direct contracts with local farms. No worries about chemicals or preservatives. Pistachio nuts were first introduced to Japan in the beginning of 19th century but have been used for food since around 5,000 B.C. in Persian area; there is a story that the Queen of Sheba in the Old Testament liked pistachio nuts. The desert-like climate in Iran, with its long daylight hours, is an ideal environment for cultivation. The local artisans roast the nuts at a low temperature (50℃), adding saffron and natural rock salt after drying the nuts by sunshine. Nutrition is very rich in vitamin A, B, especially abundant in B1 and B6; these pistachio nuts are also rich in magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, thiamine, and zinc and have zero cholesterol. |
550円 |
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農薬不使用・イラン産 生ピスタチオカーナル(殻なし)【Organic Iranian Pistachio Nuts, untoasted and unshelled】1袋/bag 80g 550円/yen |
Grown in fertile and mineral-rich lands, our pistachio nuts are made in the oasis city area with our thorough supervision through direct contracts with local farms. No worries about chemicals or preservatives. Pistachio nuts were first introduced to Japan in the beginning of 19th century but have been used for food since around 5,000 B.C. in Persian area; there is a story that the Queen of Sheba in the Old Testament liked pistachio nuts. The desert-like climate in Iran, with its long daylight hours, is an ideal environment for their cultivation. Nutrition is rich in vitamin A, B, especially abundant in B1 and B6; these pistachio nuts also well contain magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, thiamine, and zinc and have zero cholesterol. These pistachio nuts are unshelled, unroasted, just natural. |
550円 |
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農薬不使用・ゴールデングリーンレーズン 【Organic Iranian Golden Green Raisins】 1袋/bag 100g 550円/yen |
弊社のゴールデングリーンレーズン(ワイルドタイプ)はオーガニック栽培で天日干ししております。防腐剤や保存料の未使用はもちろん、オイルコーティングもしていない自然のものですからお子様のおやつにも最適です。ぶどうの原産地はイランです。 ビタミンやミネラルが豊富で、カルシウムとナイアシンはプルーンの約2倍、鉄分は約3倍、ビタミンB2は4倍も含まれています。また、ぶどうの糖分は疲労回復や栄養補給にも効果的です。 そのままでも美味しく召し上がれますが、サラダやお菓子作りなど、幅広くご利用下さい。表面に白い固まりが付着していることがありますが、これは果物に含まれている糖分や甘味の成分です。安心してお召し上がり下さい。
Our golden green raisins (wild variety) are produced in Iran, organic, and dried by the sun. No chemicals, preservatives or coating oils are used. Perfectly natural and suitable for both adults and children. The grapes are originally produced in Iran and rich in vitamins and minerals, containing twice the amount of calcium and niacin, 3 times the amount of iron, and 4 times the amount of vitamin B2 to prunes. The grape sugar content supplies good energy to your brain and helps to rid the body of fatigue. Raisins can be widely used in salads and sweets or simply grab a handful as a quick and healthy snack. Please note that the occasional white lump on the surface of a raisin is a sugar component and element of the fruit. You can experience the nutritious benefits of these golden green raisins without worries.
色の違いをご覧ください / Please check the color differences among the three kinds of raisins.
550円 |
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農薬不使用・レッドレーズン【Organic Iranian Red Raisins】 1袋/bag 120g 550円/yen |
Our red raisins supply you with good nutrition as well as aid in recovery from your tiredness. Vitamins, minerals, and vegetable fibers are abundant, and the niacin content is twice the amount of prunes. The polyphenol content works as an antioxidant and the vegetable fibers help to solve constipation. Rich in iron, these raisins aid in improving and preventing anemia, most often caused by a lack of iron in meals. A lack of iron causes an impediment in creating hemoglobin, which is the color component of blood. We strongly recommend taking the raisins a little by little with vitamin C, which enhances iron absorption. Cultivated in organic soil, sunlight-dried, or postharvest treatment, any chemical preservatives free.
※ 唯一こちらのレーズンにのみ「サンフラワーオイル」を使用しております。 ※Sunflower oil is used for this red rain only.
色の違いをご覧ください / Please check the color differences among the three kinds of raisins.
550円 |
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農薬不使用・ブラックレーズン 【Organic Iranian Black Raisins】 1袋/bag 110g 550円/yen |
ビタミン・ミネラル・植物繊維が豊富に含まれています。 特に鉄分が多く含まれており、プルーンの4倍あります。疲労回復・栄養補給に効果的です。抗酸化で注目のポリフェノール、疲れ目予防・改善や視力回復に効くアントシアニンも豊富に含まれています。植物繊維も多く便秘にも効果があります。多く含有する鉄分は、貧血の予防や改善に効果があります。貧血の殆どは食事からの鉄分摂取量の不足に起因する鉄欠乏性貧血です。鉄の欠乏により血色素であるヘモグロビンの合成が障害されます。鉄の吸収を高めるビタミンCと一緒に毎日少しずつ食するのが効果的です。この製品は、無農薬で栽培しそのままを天日干しした、ノンオイルコーティング・ポストハーベスト。防腐剤などの心配は一切要りません。
Effective in recovering from exhaustions, these black raisins are fully nutritious and contain vitamins, minerals, and vegetable fibers. Especially our black raisins have 4 times more iron than prunes. The anthocyanin content in the raisins aid in eyesight recoveries and improvement, as well as prevention from weariness of eye muscles. The polyphenol content works as an antioxidant and the vegetable fibers help to solve constipation. Rich in iron, these raisins aid in improving and preventing anemia, most often caused by a lack of iron in meals. A lack of iron causes an impediment in creating hemoglobin, which is the blood color component. We strongly recommend eating raisins little by little with vitamin C, which enhances iron absorption. Cultivated in organic soil, sunlight-dried, no oil coating or postharvest treatment, have as much as you wish these chemical- and preservative-free raisins without worry.
色の違いをご覧下さい / Please check the color differences among the three kinds of raisins.
550円 |
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農薬不使用・ドライキウイ【Organic Iranian Dried Kiwis】 1袋/bag 70g 550円/yen |
こちらのキウイフルーツは、マゼンダラン県ノーシャル市メセリ農場において、農薬不使用で契約栽培しております。低温で乾燥させているので、「アクチニジン」と呼ばれる、キウイ特有の酵素「タンパク質分解酵素」が生きています。このキウイ本来の酵素を保持するために、乾燥は45℃の低温で18時間かけて行っております。 キウイには、ビタミンC・食物繊維・カルシウム・カリウムやペクチンが多く含まれているため、便秘の解消に効果的です。カリウムは、血管壁に付着するコレステロールや塩化ナトリウムを中和して、尿として体外に排出する働きをしますので、高血圧の方に特に有効です。ただし、腎不全の方は、高血圧でもお控え下さい。アレルギー体質の方もご注意下さい。
Our kiwi fruits are cultivated organically at the Hasanzadeh Farm in the Amol city area, Mazendaran Prefecture, with direct contracts with a farm there. By drying at a low temperature, the original enzyme (dissolve ferment of protein) in the kiwis called 'Actinidin' are well preserved. To keep the enzyme, we dry the fruits in 45℃ for 18 hours. Kiwis are rich in vitamin C, vegetable fibers, calcium, potassium, and pectin, helping to aid in relief from constipation. Potassium is effective for those with high blood pressure to counteract the effects of cholesterol and sodium chloride on blood vessel walls and aids in discharging these harmful substances from your body as urine. Persons suffering from renal damage and those with high blood pressure or allergies should consult with a physician before eating. |
550円 |
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農薬不使用・デーツ(種抜き スタメラン種) 【Estameran dates】 1袋 25g×2 550円/yen |
Estameran dates are also used no chemical fertilizers nor preservatives, and sunlight dried on the tree, these dates are naturally cultivated at the farms with trusts between companies. The sweetness of these dates is derived from their natural glucose and fructose. This taste of sweetness reminds us the Japanese dried persimmons or even thick black sugar. Dates are called ‘The blessings of sea and mountain’ in Persia. We take the seeds off one by one for this variety for your easy use.
デーツの効用はこちら |
550円 |
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農薬不使用・天然デーツEX(デーツ蜜)【Organic Natural Dates Extract】1瓶/bottle 160g 1,000円/yen |
中近東の代表的果実・天日干しデーツ1kgを1瓶のデーツエキス(EX: エキストラクト)として凝縮しました。栄養豊富なドライフルーツの特性はそのままに、まろやかな蜜に変身、ご活用方法も広がります。そのままパンやシリアルに付けたりドリンクやお料理に溶かしたり、蜂蜜と同様にお使い下さい。ブドウ糖は脳の栄養素、果糖は筋肉の栄養素と言われています。砂糖や着色料一切不使用です。 (カルシウム65mg, マグネシウム57mg, 鉄分0.7mg でプルーンの約3倍/ 100g) We condensed 1 kg of organic sunlight-dried dates into a single bottle of date extract (EX). The dates’ nutritiously rich features are preserved, they have been transformed into mild date honey. Like with bee honey, usages are wide: put on bread or cereals, melt it in your drink or use it in cooking. The extract’s glucose is good for your brain and its fructose for your muscles. No sugar or color added. (65mg of calcium, 57mg of magnesium, and 0.7mg of iron, which is about 3 times more to that of 100g of prunes, all /100g.) |
1,000円 |
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イラン産 ドライ レモン 【Iranian Dried Lemons】 1袋/bag 20g 450円/yen |
原産地はイラン、ホロモズガン県ハジアバド周辺。樹高4mほどで、ライムによく似ています。イランではリムアッマニと呼び、熟した果実を塩水で軽くボイル後、天日干しして使用します。 この製品には、カルシウムの吸収を促進するクエン酸(骨粗鬆症予防にも)、抗酸化作用・血管の改善・血液の浄化をするポリフェノール、そして、レモンならではの香りに含まれる成分:リモネンが、リラクゼーション効果・ストレス改善・痴呆症/高血圧/肥満/糖尿病等の病気の予防に役立ちます。
Grown in the Hormozgan Prefecture, Hajiabad city area, Iran, the ripen fruits of Limo Ammani (a kind of lemon) are dried by sunshine after being boiled in salty water. The lemon tree is 4m high and the fruits resemble limes. Limo Ammani has citric acid to enhance calcium absorption (effective for preventing the osteoporosis), and polyphenol, which serves as an antioxidant, strengthens blood vessels, and cleanses the blood. Moreover, Limonene originally contained in the lemon scents promotes relaxation effects, helps to reduce stress, controls high blood pressure, and prevents diseases such as dementia, obesity, and diabetes. |
450円 |
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農薬不使用・天然デーツハニー (デーツシロップ)【Organic Natural Dates Honey (Dates Syrup)】1瓶/bottle 160g 1,000円/yen |
世界で初めて「デーツハニー」の製品化に成功しました!中近東の代表的果実・天日干しデーツ(ピヤロム種) 約3gを1瓶のデーツハニー(シロップ)として精製しました。栄養豊富なドライフルーツの特性はそのままに、まろやかな植物性ハニーに変身、ご活用方法も広がります。そのままパンやシリアルに付けたりドリンクやお料理に溶かしたり、蜂蜜と同様にお使い下さい。ブドウ糖は脳の栄養素、果糖は筋肉の栄養素と言われています。砂糖や着色料一切不使用です。「デーツハニー」に豊富なカリウムは、ナトリウムを排泄する働きがあり高血圧等の予防に役立ちます。 (カルシウム3mg, マグネシウム2mg, ナトリウム42mg, カリウム 46mg, ブドウ糖 38.69g, 果糖 35.79g/ 100g) 「スーパーフード」と呼ばれています。 We are the first producers in the world of Dates Honey: the date liquid extract! We condensed about 3 kg of organic sunlight-dried dates (Piyarom kind) into a single bottle of the date-liquid extract. The dates’ nutritiously rich features are preserved, they have been transformed into mild date refined honey. Like with bee honey, usages are wide: put on bread or cereals, melt it in your drink or use it in cooking. The extract’s glucose is good for your brain and its fructose for your muscles. The abundant potassium (K) helps sodium (Na) to be discharged therefore protects you from high blood pressure etc. (3mg of calcium, 2mg of magnesium, 42mg of sodium, 46mg of potassium, 38.69g of glucose, and 35.79g of fructose, all/ 100g.) We call it a ‘Super Food’ |
1,000円 |
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